Pocket Mermaids
Wee Wonderful - Free Tutorial
* Remember for this pattern I made my arms longer, and added a bit of stuffing into two pieces of B before closing the hole and embellishing it. I actually cut embellishing to a minimum, I found it took away from some of my fabrics. Make sure to be playful and try out new things! Don't forget to send my pictures of your creations! ;) I like knowing that other people are enjoying the craftiness!
Wipe Container Toy
Turn a Wipe Container into the BEST Toddler/Infant Toy
* This is an AWESOME toy for kids. There's a lot of playfulness with this one so make sure to keep it crafty people! ;)
Fabric Doll House
Fabric Doll House
* Now I found the instructions on this very confusing and as I said I thought it was very tiring and had no end in site! But it did look very cute once finished and my daughter loved it! Make sure to look at the examples that others have posted to get more ideas on how to make your house extra creative!
Little Girls Sweater Dress
Repurpose Old Sweaters
* I loved this project and found it to be SUPER easy! It was not difficult AT ALL. I bought my sweaters at Value Village on one of their 50% off sales. Totally worth it because my girls love their dresses!
Cute Reusable Bag
Little Bird Book Bag
* See my blog post for step by step on how I altered this tutorial.
Super Easy Dolly Diapers
Felt Baby Doll Diapers
* This project was AMAZINGLY easy. If you can't sew you can glue the Velcro down.
Reversible Child's Apron
My Reversible Apron
* My version of a Reversible Child's Apron inspired by two different tutorials.